Intelligent Manufacturing Contributes to the Industry's High-Quality Development




On December 1, with the theme of"Intelligent Manufacturing, Contribute to the Industry's High-QualityDevelopment", Linton Wuxi Base Phase II Conference of Production andIntelligent Integration Solutions for PV Wafer Production Line was successfullyheld. Chunan Li, Chairman of Linton and his senior management team, Wuxigovernment leaders, PV semiconductor industry experts, partner representatives,leading entrepreneurs, a total of more than 200 guests attended this meeting,witnessed Linton whole line of intelligent new strategy and brand upgrade.


"Chain" on the synergy, step"light" forward

The chairman of Linton and the vice mayorof Wuxi communicated with each other before the meeting.


Before the meeting, the vice mayor WendongZhou and Chunan Li, the chairman of Linton, exchanged views. Seizing theopportunity of "double carbon" development, Linton will become astrong engine to drive the development of industrial clusters in Xishan.


Intellience Brinngs Future, Big CeremonyKicks off

Speech by Mr. Shuliang Gao, President ofLinton


At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Gao,President of Linton, firstly welcomed the leaders and guests. Mr. Gao pointedout that the photovoltaic industry is a long-distance running, Linton, as aleading photovoltaic and semiconductor integration service provider, is also amember of this long-distance running. 17 years, Linton has always beencustomer-centered, market-oriented, science and technology as the center,adhere to the entrepreneurial mentality for the industry to provide leadingtechnology, reliable quality, cost-controllable equipment, and continue tobring sustainable value-added products and services for global customers.

Mr. Gao said that the acceleration of theglobal energy transformation, the demand for the entire industry intelligencehas increased dramatically, and constantly promote the development oftechnological innovation in the industry. LintonWuxi base has made rapiddevelopment over the past three years, the release of photovoltaic siliconwafer whole line intelligent integrated solution is to accelerate the world togreen energy transformation, which has great significance and value. Lintonwill give full play to the supply chain supporting ability, talent introductionability, R & D manufacturing ability, customer service ability, for new andold customers to provide more "reliable, value-added, sunshine"products and services.


Mr. LiFang , Secretary of Wuxi XishanDistrict Committee, delivered a speech.


Li Fang, Secretary of Xishan District PartyCommittee, firstly congratulated Linton on the project's production and therelease of new technologies, and expressed his gratitude for the help andsupport given to the development of Xishan. He said, integrated circuit and newenergy industry is the important force of Xishan "four new fourstrong" industrial cluster, is also the focus of Liancheng NC industry.

I hope that Linton to the General Assemblyas an opportunity to further increase cooperation with Xishan, expanding thefield of cooperation, and effectively consolidate the leading position ofenterprises in the industry, but also for Xishan to build a strong industrialzone to provide power support. Xishan will always adhere to the "projectis king, enterprise first", with favorable policies, superior environment,quality services, together to write a new chapter of win-win development.


Speech by Mr. Lin Jian, Secretary Generalof Semiconductor Materials Branch, China Electronic Materials Association(CEMA)


Lin Jian, Secretary General of SemiconductorMaterials Branch of China Electronic Materials Association, said in his speechthat the rapid development of China's photovoltaic industry has been investedin the joint efforts of the Chinese government, industry colleagues, and 1.4billion Chinese people, and as a member of which, we have seen the infinitepossibilities that technological innovation has brought to us. In the future, Ihope that all photovoltaic enterprises together to accelerate the pace ofenergy transition, truly embrace the arrival of the global clean energy era.

Finally, warmly congratulate Linton on thegrand inauguration of the second phase of the base in Wuxi and put intoproduction, and it is a great honor to witness another new starting point forLinton.


Chairman of Huayao Group Board of DirectorsXun Jianhua's Speech


Chairman Xun said in his speech, regardingthe future development of PV, the industry has always believed that costreduction and efficiency increase is an eternal theme, scientific andtechnological innovation is the core driving force of PV cost reduction, andthe industry's intelligent integration is the absolute trend of futuredevelopment, and I believe that Linton launched the PV wafer whole line ofintelligent integrated solutions is an important booster for the development ofthe industry's intellectualization.

Looking to the future, we would like tocontinue to uphold an open and inclusive mindset, with Linton, industrycolleagues to explore new ideas, new ways, new methods, and jointly promote thedevelopment of the photovoltaic industry.


Speech by Mr. Zhang Guangchun, Senior VicePresident of Canadian Solar


Mr. Zhang Guangchun, Senior Vice Presidentof Canadian Solar, said in his speech that the current PV industry ischaracterized by both opportunities and challenges, and that it is important toset up a long-term vision and actively plan for the future in the increasinglyfierce competition in the global market. Mr. Zhang said, Linton 's star singleproduct from the diamond wire to the single crystal furnace, and then totoday's PV wafer whole line of intelligent integration, Canadian Solar will, asalways, support Linton, mutual achievement, to achieve a strong combination.


Sunshine Linton, you and I walk hand in hand

Li Chunan, Chairman of Linton, delivered aspeech.


Li Chunan, Chairman of Linton, firstlywelcomed the guests to the event and told us about the development plan andfuture vision of Linton. Chairman of the Board of Directors emphasized, Lintonfrom the beginning of the establishment is to meet market demand and born, tocreate value and born for altruism, Linton's history of development, is theindustry's chronicle.

In 2008, multi-wire cutting machine,breaking the foreign monopoly of photovoltaic cutting equipment, rapid costreduction; in 2013, diamond wire slicing machine to drive the industry change,single crystal furnace fast leading, large furnace loading capacity, highpulling speed, the same is also a rapid cost reduction; now Linton Wuxi PhaseII base put into production and photovoltaic wafer line intelligent integratedsolutions released, the company's scale of operation to a new level, acomprehensive layout of the new business, the industry chain highly Synergy,platform architecture molding.

The chairman said, Linton always focus onthe core products cross-industry application expansion, around the needs ofcore customers, continuous innovation, epitaxial development, courageinnovation and entrepreneurship, play the long-accumulated technologicaladvantages, to better meet customer needs. In the future, Linton is willing towork with industry colleagues, hand in hand to promote the development of newenergy industry, to achieve joint innovation and ecological co-construction.


Dual Carbon Era Empowering the Future

Launch Ceremony of Wuxi Base Phase II


Linton Wuxi Base Phase II ProductionStartup Ceremony was successfully launched, marking the development of Lintonin the field of photovoltaic and semiconductor has stepped up to a new level.

In the future, we will utilize our ownadvantages, maintain a keen market insight, continuously increase investment inR&D, and launch innovative products and technologies to meet the growingneeds of our customers, and dedicate ourselves to becoming a global leading PVand semiconductor integration service provider.


Innovation and epoch-making

PV Wafer Line Intelligent IntegrationSolution Released


What kind of photovoltaic products docustomers need? This is the original intention of Linton   research and development, over the past fewyears, Linton R & D team researched a large number of end-users, after allthe Linton people craftsmanship polished "Linton photovoltaic wafers lineof intelligent integrated solutions" came out today, the program has ahigh efficiency, low cost, easy to install, easy to install, easy to operateand maintain, complete set of convenience, shorten the delivery period, system,and the advantages of original factory service. The program has the advantagesof high efficiency, low cost, easy installation, operation and maintenance,complete set of convenience, shorten the delivery time, system and factoryservice, etc., which is fully adapted to the domestic and foreign markets anduser needs.

Mr. Lu pointed out that Linton, as a leading manufacturer ofphotovoltaic equipment, has been plowing into the industry for more than tenyears and has built a mature R&D and manufacturing system. This time, itintegrates a number of cutting-edge technologies, advanced automationtechnology, artificial intelligible technology and Internet of Thingstechnology together to realize the intelligence and automation of the wholeproduction line. It ranks among the leading level in the industry in allperformance indexes, aiming to improve the manufacturing efficiency and qualityof PV wafers and provide more space for cost reduction and efficiency.


Linton, as the first designer, first prototype and first batch supplierof the most mainstream model 1600 and extended model 1700 monocrystallinefurnaces, has continuously introduced more efficient, more stable and morecompetitive monocrystalline furnace equipment. Aiming at the current industryfacing the high oxygen content of crystal rods, quality improvement isdifficult, the level of equipment automation is imperfect, iteration cost ishigh, the difficulty of transformation and other difficulties, to provide aone-stop solution.

The new generation of soft control system and new software design ofthe upper computer give the equipment a convenient and practical soul; thesupporting auxiliary equipment helps product upgrading; from crucibleloading-intelligent crystal pulling-automatic crystal picking-AGV rod transportation-rodcaching -The automation links such as hot field dismantling and cleaning andsub-chamber cleaning, etc. have mature intelligent factory programs.


The wire cutting machine adopts a newlayout of cutting area; the application of new high-precision oil and gasbearing box, more advanced tension control algorithms, equipped with rows ofmore accurate sensors, to achieve higher precision control of tension, strongerstability of the whole machine, higher cutting efficiency; fine line, thin filmadaptability, more convenient operation. At the same time, a variety ofautomation interfaces are reserved, and the big data platform can be used torealize intelligent production operations and refined production control.


Linton photovoltaic silicon wafer degummingand insertion cleaning machine is an important technological advancement in theproduction process of slice cleaning, marking the silicon wafer from thecutting to the inspection of the whole process have realized automation. Afterbeing put into production application, it can effectively reduce the damagerate of silicon wafers from debonding to insertion, thereby improving theactual yield of chips, bringing substantial benefits such as labor savings andsimplified management, which is more conducive to the application oflarge-sized silicon wafers and thinning.


At present, silicon carbide manufacturingequipment has also become a rising star in the semiconductor industry. With thecontinuous advancement of technology, the performance of silicon carbidemanufacturing equipment is also constantly improving to meet more stringentproduction needs.

Lianke Semiconductor has adopted advancedsilicon carbide crystal growth technology, which can achieve high-quality andlarge-sized silicon carbide crystal growth; Precision machining technologyensures the accuracy and stability of the equipment; An intelligent controlsystem can achieve automated production and management, improving productionefficiency; Further promote the development of the domestic semiconductorequipment manufacturing industry.


Wisdom collision and thinking feast


Dialogue and sharing of new opportunitiesfor development in the five major sub venues

The Linton sub venue opened a roundtabledialogue session to better understand the intelligent integrated solution forphotovoltaic silicon wafer production line released by Linton. At the sametime, industry experts conducted in-depth discussions and professionalinterpretations on the development trends, market prospects, and industrial chaindevelopment direction of photovoltaic technology, which also brought a feast ofthought collision to this conference.


Linton Night Appreciation Dinner


Thank you for supporting and enhancingfriendship to build a zero-carbon future together

At the "Night of Linton"thank-you banquet, Li Chun'an, Chairman of Linton, extended a warm welcome andheartfelt gratitude to the industry partners who attended the banquet. Thechairman stated that customers and partners are the most valuable resources ofLinton, and customer needs will always be the driving force for continuousdevelopment. We will continue to add value to our customers and work togetherto create greater value!


Chasing the Light and Jointly Creating theFuture

Shine the future with sunshine


All along, Linton has firmly adhered to thedual industry development path of "vertical layout and horizontalextension" in the photovoltaic and semiconductor industries, continuouslyconsolidating its technological advantages and product competitiveness, andalways committed to becoming a leading global photovoltaic and semiconductorintegration service provider. The launch of the second phase of the Wuxi base andthe intelligent integration solution for photovoltaic silicon wafer productionline not only comprehensively demonstrates the excellent research anddevelopment capabilities of Linton to the industry and non-industry, but alsosymbolizes the opening of a new chapter in future technology.

Linton will continue to adhere to the corevalues of "reliable value-added sunshine", customer-centric,customer-oriented, and provide reliable products and services to add value tocustomers. Chasing dreams in a green world, the city never stops.







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